Astrology as quackery

Full Title: 
Zeno, Act 1 Sc. 2 vv 169-174
Text - Hyperlink: 

Ψεύτης πολλά ’ναι ὁ οὐρανὸς καὶ ψεύτικα εἶν’ τὰ λόγια

ὁπού ’πες, καὶ θέλεις τὸ δεῖς μ’ ἄσκημα μοιρολόγια.

Πένα ἂς εἶν’ τὸ σίδερο ποὺ λειώνει τὴ ζωή σου,

«τὲς μέρες τοῦ Μαθουσαλέμ»· τὸ αἷμα τὸ πρικύ σου

εἶναι μελάνι· μετ’ αὐτὰ γράφω τὸ ριζικό σου.

Καλύτερο ἀστρόλογο δὲν εἶδες στ’ ὄνειρό σου.

Summary - Description: 
In a 17th century Cretan theatrical tragedy, Zenon, the supposed king of Crete, asks an astrologist how he is to die. The astrologist answers that he will die from an usurper of his throne. So the king, obviously mad from the answer, says: And what about you? What do the stars say about you? How long are you going to live? The astrologist answers: I am to live a long life as Mathusalas. "Nonsense" said the King. "I am the best astrologist you would ever dream about. Only I know when you are about to die. Right now, actually." And the king grabs his sword and slays the astrologist.
Type of Source: 
Bibliographical Sources: 

S. Alexiou - M. Aposkiti, ΖΗΝΩΝ κρητοεπτανησιακὴ τραγωδία (Zenon, a Creto-Septinsular Tragedy), Athens 1991, Act 1 Sc. 2 vv 169-174.