
Demetrios Aiginitis

Demetrios Aiginitis studied in Varvajkeios School and then in the University of Athens. He then studied in Paris Astronomy for three years in a State Scholarship. In 1890, he came back to Greece and was appointed the Director of the Observatory of Athens until his death. He founded the meteorological and seismological divisions of the Observatory and managed for the astronomical division to receive expensive new instruments via donations.

Cammile Flammarion

A famous astronomer, writer and publisher, Camille Flamarrion published dozens of books over the course of his life, as well as the journal 'L' Astronomie'. He also conducted experimental test of spiritual and psychic phenomena. He influenced several writers of the era and was the first to suggest the names of Triton and Amalthea for the moons of Neptune and Jupiter.
