Resolution of the general assembly of the board of professors

Full Title: 
Ψήφισμα της Γενικής Συνέλευσης των καθηγητών. Σχετικόν προς τον αγώνα της Ελλάδος κατά των έξωθεν υποθαλπομένων κομμουνιστικών συμμοριών.
Found in: 
National Library
Place of Publication: 
Summary - Description: 
A proclamation of 1947, titled « Resolution of the general assembly of the board of professors on the subject of the struggle carried out by Greece against the communist bandit-bands supported from abroad». This booklet was published in three languages, in the midst of the Civil War, and constituted a statement of support for the government against the guerrilla army being guided by the Left Wing Party
Type of Source: 
Publisher - Publishing House: 
University of Athens