New orientations in the biological sciences

Full Title: 
Νέοι προσανατολισμοί εις τας βιολογικάς επιστήμας
Text - Hyperlink: 

The new trends in biology:

Expansive force of life,  R. E. Coker
Fetal field, A. Gurwitsch
Organisator, H. Spemann
Τheory of neovitalism, W. Roux and Driesch
  Τheory of holism and Τhe new Russian school, Ν. Vavilov
  Mendelian laws
  Morgan's methodology

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National Documentation Centre (EKT Library)
Place of Publication: 
Summary - Description: 
In this article, mechanistic and materialistic explanations for the evolution of life (Needham) are contrasted with new trends in biology which incorporate the intangible/psychic factor in their interpretive scheme
Bibliographical Sources: 

Ακτίνες ( Aktines) 9(58) 220-224