Historical materialism from a philosophical viewpoint- An apologetic study commisioned by the Holy Synod

Full Title: 
Ο ιστορικός υλισμός εξ επόψεως φιλοσοφικής - Μελέτη απολογητική της Ι. Συνόδου συνταχθείσα
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National Library of Greece
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Summary - Description: 
In this book, commissioned in reality by the Greek Church, Trempelas embarks in a full attack on historical materialism. the initial cause was the work of Greek historian Ioannis Kordatos, but the book takes on the whole of Marxism on philosophical, anthropological, philosophical and historical grounds. It also mentions specifically Darwinism.
Type of Source: 
Bibliographical Sources: 

Panagiotis Trempelas,  Ο ιστορικός υλισμός εξ επόψεως φιλοσοφικής - Μελέτη απολογητική της Ι. Συνόδου συνταχθείσα, (Historical materialism from a philosophical viewpoint- An apologetic study commisioned by the Holy Synod),  Athens, 1925