Answer to my dearest friend Theodoros On the common ressurection and on eternal life after the grave. Part B': On so-called atheism and communism

Full Title: 
Απάντησις προς τον φίλτατόν μοι Θεόδωρον Περί της κοινής αναστάσεως και της πέραν του τάφου αιωνίου ζωής. Μέρος Β'. Περί της λεγομένης αθεϊας και ήτου λεγομένου κομμουνισμού
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Anemi Digital Library
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Summary - Description: 
This book is written as a lengthy reply to letters addressed to the author by one of his friends. It has two parts. The first deals with theological question on resurrection, eternal damnation and the end of times. In this first part, the author also briefly mentions the panic in Athens when Halley 's comet was due to arrive. In the second part, Ioakeim Spetsieris argues that even the atheist and the materialist are in reality deists and that the Communism of Christianity has very little to do with the materialistic communism.
Type of Source: 
Publisher - Publishing House: 
Athanasios Papaspiros
Bibliographical Sources: 

Ioakeim Spetsieris,Απάντησις προς τον φίλτατόνμοιΘεόδωρον Περί της κοινής αναστάσεως και της πέραν του τάφου αιωνίου ζωής. Μέρος Β'. Περί της λεγομένης αθεϊας και ήτου λεγομένου κομμουνισμού (Answer to my dearest friend Theodoros On the common ressurection and on eternal life after the grave. Part B': On so-called atheism and communism). Athanasios Papaspiros, Athens 1935