On the creation of man - The harmony between Christianity and Science

Full Title: 
Περί γενέσεως του ανθρώπου- αρμονίαι χριστιανισμού και επιστήμης
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Anemi Digital Library
Place of Publication: 
Summary - Description: 
This book is composed from three parts, namely 'Somatology and Biology', 'Anthropology' and 'Harmony between Christianity and Science'. Its purpose is to show that materialistic conceptions of science, especially concerning the soul and the descent of man, are scientifically wrong and morally dangerous. Furthermore, it aims to show that proper scientific theories are totally compatible and indeed supportive of Christian doctrines.
Type of Source: 
Publisher - Publishing House: 
Anesti Konstantinidou
Bibliographical Sources: 

Περί γενέσεως του ανθρώπου- αρμονίαι χριστιανισμού και επιστήμης (On the creation of man - The harmony between Christianity and Science), Athens,  Anesti Konstantinidou, 1893